Sera Gunn
Divisors on Metric Graphs
Divisors, line bundles, linear systems, etc. are connected to projective embeddings.
E.g. $\P^1 \xrightarrow{\O(3)} \P^3$ \[[x:y] \mapsto [x^3 : x^2y : xy^2 : y^3]\]
Divisors, line bundles, linear systems, etc. are connected to projective embeddings.
E.g. $\P^1 \xrightarrow{\O(3)} \P^3$ \[[x:y] \mapsto [x^3 : x^2y : xy^2 : y^3]\]
Can embed graphs in $\R^3$
putting vertices on the TC
$p^3 + px - 2py - 3px^2 + 2xy + py^2 - 2p^3x^3 + px^2y + pxy^2 - p^3y^3 \in \Q_p[x,y]$
Newton polytope/complex
and associated tropical curve
The metric graph associated to a tropicalization is called a skeleton
Lattice length metric
Tropical balancing condition \[ \sum \omega_e \vec{v}_e = \vec0 \]
Can also contract leaf vertices to obtain other skeleta
There exist coordinate functions, which lift, such that the resulting tropicalization is an isometry (tropical weights are $1$) on a fixed skeleton.
Fixed skeleton—rays have positive weights
There exist coordinate functions, which lift, such that the resulting tropicalization is an isometry on the extended skeleton (considering all the rays).
Components of $\X_{\F_p}$ give valuations on $\X$
Dual graph of $\X_{\F_p}$ is a skeleton
If $f$ is a meromorphic function on $\X^{\mathrm{an}}$ then \[ (x, |\cdot|) \mapsto \log |f(x)| \] is a piecewise linear function.
Newton, Baker-Lorscheid, G
# of roots with valuation $\gamma$ equals
the width of the edge of slope $-\gamma$
G (Combining Newton and Descartes)
# of pos. roots with valuation $\gamma$ equals
the number of sign changes in the edge of slope $-\gamma$
\[ y = 1 - 3x - 2x^2 + x^5 \]
\[ +, -, -, \textcolor{#CCC}0, \textcolor{#CCC}0, + \]
\[ y = 1 - 3x - 2x^2 + x^5 \]
\[ +, -, -, \textcolor{#CCC}0, \textcolor{#CCC}0, + \]
\[ \begin{aligned} (1 - x)(1 &- x - x^2 - x^3 - x^4) \\ = 1 &- x - x^2 - x^3 - x^4 \\ &- x + x^2 + x^3 + x^4 + x^5 \\ \ni 1 &-x - x^2 \hspace{1.54cm} +x^5 \end {aligned} \]
Number of sign changes (combinatorial)
Maximum number of times one can factor out $(x - 1)$ using sign arithmetic
Width of the edge with slope $-\gamma$ (combinatorial)
Maximum number of times one can factor out $(x + \gamma)$ using tropical arithmetic
\[\T = \R \cup \{\infty\}\] \[ x \cdot_\T y = x +_\R y \quad \text{(mult. is add.)} \] \[ x_0 \in x_1 \boxplus \dots \boxplus x_n \iff \min\{x_0,\dots,x_n\} \text{ occurs twice} \]
Number of copies of a line in a tropical cycle
(Can be adapted to include signs)
If a subdivision isn't given, we can impose one
\[ \bmult = \min_i \mult|_{x_i = 0} \]
(Putting it all together)
$a, b, r, s, t > 0$
\[ \begin{cases} f\coloneqq 1+ax-by = 0\\ g\coloneqq 1+rx^3-sy^3-tx^3y^3=0 \end{cases} \]
Has $3$ positive roots for some choice of coefficients
Itenberg-Roy predict $2$
\[ \begin{cases} f\coloneqq 1+ax-by = 0\\ g\coloneqq 1+rx^3-sy^3-tx^3y^3=0 \end{cases} \]
Mixed sparse resultant: \[ R \propto \prod_{p \in V(f,g)} (p_1 u + p_2 v + p_3 w) \]
ring R = (0,(u,v,a,b,r,s,t)),(x,y),dp;
ideal I = 1+ux+vy, 1+ax-by, 1+rx3-sy3-tx3y3;
\[ \begin{cases} f\coloneqq 1+ax-by = 0\\ g\coloneqq 1+rx^3-sy^3-tx^3y^3=0 \end{cases} \]
Mixed sparse resultant: \[ R \propto \prod_{p \in V(f,g)} (p_1 u + p_2 v + p_3 w) \]
\[ \bmult R \le 3 \]
For univariate polys, $\mult f = \mult(\In f)$
$\sum \mult f \le \deg f$ for stringent hyperfields
meaning: $a \boxplus b = \{c\}$ if $0 \notin a \boxplus b$
New proof of Itenberg-Roy's lower bound using resultants