Sera Gunn, PhD (they/them)

About me

I am a lecturer of mathematics at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York (CUNY).

I received my PhD at Georgia Tech under the supervision of Matt Baker. My doctoral research was in tropical and non-Archimedean geometry. Specifically, I looked at multiplicities and factorizations of polynomials over hyperfields with an aim of developing a theory of intersection multiplicities. I also looked at the question of finding fully-faithful tropical curves in three dimensions using tropical divisor theory on curves.

I received my BMath from the University of Waterloo with majors in Pure Mathematics and Combinatorics & Optimization.


Syllabus and course materials are on Brightspace.

Computer lab exercises in R that supplement our Intro to Probability and Statistics course.

Combinatorics notes adding on to the book Applied Combinatorics by Keller and Trotter.


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