flowchart KT2-Foundations --> KT7-Inclusion/Exclusion KT2-Foundations --> Permutations KT2-Foundations --> GeneratingFunctions KT7-Inclusion/Exclusion <--> Inclusion/Exclusion GeneratingFunctions --> RegularLanguages KT5-Graphs --> Permutations KT5-Graphs --> RegularLanguages LinearAlgebra -.. Transfer Matrix Method ..-> RegularLanguages
1 Preface
These notes were developed to accompany MTH 337: Applied Combinatorics during the Spring semester of 2024. They are meant to be used interspersed with the material from Keller and Trotter’s book Applied Combinatorics. Both these notes and Keller and Trotter’s book are intended to have a heavy algorithmic and applied focus.
A sample sylabus is (KT is Keller and Trotter’s book)
- KT-2: Strings, Sets, and Binomial Coefficients
- KT-3: Induction
- KT-4.1: Pidgeonhole
- Can cover the rest of KT-4 if students haven’t seen “big-O” in their other courses yet
- KT-5: Graph Theory
- KT-7 and Inclusion-Exclusion from these notes for supplementary proofs
- Permutations from these notes
- KT-12, 13, 14 on graph algorithms (Prim/Kruskal, Dijkstra, Ford-Fulkerson/Edmonds-Karp)
- Generating Functions from these notes (instead of KT-8)
- Regular Languages from these notes
Here is a rough overview of how these notes tie into the Keller/Trotter book.
Inclusion/Exclusion makes a very brief appearance Note 18.1 but is otherwise separate in these notes.